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Modify smoke shader intensity based on particle age/life?

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As the title explains, i made a gaseous mass made from spawned particles, metaballs and all converted into a volume using isoOffset. Now i'd like to make the shader i'm using (billowy_smoke) more dense as the age of the particles increase. (and viceversa less dense where the particles have just born).

Is there a way? How can i reference something like the particle life/age into the "smoke density" of the shader?

Thanks! :)


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I am attempting something similar to this, it is my first time dealing with pcfilter so if anyone can offer some advice...

I have a iso offset wired to the volume VOP and inside:

pcopen with file pointing to bgeo data --> pc filter with a float channel set to LIFE. The globals P is wired to the pcopen P.

It would seem that all I get is zeros returned. life[0] amd life[1] are present on the particle data being read in.

I do receive a warning: cannot find primitive attibute 'name' binding volume as 'density' --but no other errors

any ideas where I may be goin wrong?

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I am attempting something similar to this, it is my first time dealing with pcfilter so if anyone can offer some advice...

I have a iso offset wired to the volume VOP and inside:

pcopen with file pointing to bgeo data --> pc filter with a float channel set to LIFE. The globals P is wired to the pcopen P.

It would seem that all I get is zeros returned. life[0] amd life[1] are present on the particle data being read in.

I do receive a warning: cannot find primitive attibute 'name' binding volume as 'density' --but no other errors

any ideas where I may be goin wrong?

Apparently you don't have name attribute on a volume primitive which allows Volume VOP to access it by name (as opposite to prim number). You can specify volume name right in iso offset node or via Name SOP.

mary christmas :)



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