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i wonder if its possible to make the following more procedural....inspired by the drag n drop easyness of mograph within cinema 4d :)....

the idea is to build a textanim with lsystems:

premise: A

Rule 1 : A=&(360)J(1,,0)+(90)B

Rule 2 : B=f(1.18)-(90)/(360)J(1,,1)+(90)C

Rule 3 : C=f(1.35)-(90)&(360)J(1,,2)+(90)D

Rule 4 : D=f(1.65)-(90)/(360)J(1,,3)+(90)E

a.s.o. gives me something like the examplesequence attached ...(the blobbish effect comes from a simple metaball to give an idea of what i mean in question 2 below


maybe a good point to start is the spacing between the objects ...in my case prebuild letters...for now every distance value has to be set manualy.

is there an expression to set x (example: B=f(x)-(90)/(360)J(1,,1)+(90)C) so it automatically recognises the boundingbox of the leaf of the current rule and the one followig in the next to set a specific spacing value like in a common fontgenerator


another question is about the scalevalue an lsystem executes scrubbig through generations... is there a way to take influence on that.

for example if a leaf is linearly scaled from 0 to 1 between generation 1 and 2. i'd like to have it scaled up a little above 1 and back to 1 short after the anim reaches generation 2, to get a more dynamic effect.

would be happy for any comments




Edited by hatrick
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