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Multi line expressions in python/hscript


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Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone might be able to give me a quick pointer on how to write expressions that have multiple lines of code in them inside Houdini. I basically just want to do the following (simplified version)

dist = distance(0,0,0, $TX, $TY, $TZ)
div = dist / 5

/obj/meshing/attribcreate1/value1 = div

And that's it! Does anyone know the correct python and hscript syntax for this?



(Total n00b)

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float dist = distance(0,0,0, $TX, $TY, $TZ);
float div = dist / 5;
return div;

in AttributeCreate/value1 parm. In case of Python expression, open expr. editor (Alt+E) and put the code as it be a body of a function.

Edited by SYmek
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  • 7 months later...

How can i do this with python?

Easy by using the expresion editor but my

pre render script has some lines i want to set there from my farm rop module...

Ah by the way is pre render script expected to run before idf file generation?

Edited by katisss
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That I do is use the expression editor in the "edit / Aliases and Variables" to create a function, and then call that function.

If your expression is more then one line this is a lot easier to manage, and you can re-use it elsewhere.

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Expression editor is probably not an option, no way of putting multiline python?

Another person sets the rops and the farm rop is only managing the renders...

That I do is use the expression editor in the "edit / Aliases and Variables" to create a function, and then call that function.

If your expression is more then one line this is a lot easier to manage, and you can re-use it elsewhere.

Edited by katisss
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