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learning to script houdinin 11


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Do yourself a favour and skip Python tutorials from CmiVFX. Much better investment is from Lynda - Link.

It's not about Houdini but you will learn Python and programming instead, something that CMI videos try to do but fails misserably. After that, learning Houdini Python is straightforward.

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Do yourself a favour and skip Python tutorials from CmiVFX. Much better investment is from Lynda - Link.

It's not about Houdini but you will learn Python and programming instead, something that CMI videos try to do but fails misserably. After that, learning Houdini Python is straightforward.

I'll agree with SWANN. It's really really important to get a basic understanding about python. You DONT learn python at cmi vfx! Here is a good link about learning python http://diveintopython.org/

- Theis

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There's really two things you can/should learn. Hscript expressions and Python. Expressions are of course great for all your parameter needs and are usually quick and easy. You can use Python in parameters as well, but I'd say it's biggest use is for purely scripting things.

As someone posted above, be sure to take a look at Stephen Tucker's video series on the Hscript expressions.

From the HOM docs: http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini11.0/hom/learningpython

Personally I'd start with the Python.org one for a little bit until you've got done learning about modules. After that I'd look at the HOM intro from the docs to start getting a handle on how you can do things in Houdini. After that you can start looking at the HOM Cookbook, as well as Houdini's modules located in $HFS/houdini/python2.6libs/. In these places you'll find more advanced uses and examples of how Houdini actually does things. You can also check out Luke Moore's new masterclass video, as well as my old one on tool building (as I recall I had some alright examples). There's also lots of good examples on the forum here, as well as on the Side Effects forum.

I'll be releasing some Python related videos... someday.

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Changing the script language is only valid in parameters. Parameters support either Hscript expressions or Python. Vex is completely separate and unrelated in this regard. It is a general purpose language for writing shaders and custom nodes, not day-to-day expression/scripting type work.

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