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Help installing on OSX?


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Can anyone advise in layman's terms how I can install the Ocean ToolKit correctly on OSX 10.6? I'm running Houdini 11 and have downloaded hotbin_osx_H11.0.469_1.0rc9.

The results from tests I've look incredible!! Dying to delve in :)

Any help would be massively appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

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Can anyone advise in layman's terms how I can install the Ocean ToolKit correctly on OSX 10.6? I'm running Houdini 11 and have downloaded hotbin_osx_H11.0.469_1.0rc9.

The results from tests I've look incredible!! Dying to delve in :)

Any help would be massively appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

No-one? :(

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No-one? :(

it's not so difficult at it seems

1. Install Apple's Xcode Developer Toolkit

2. Download the latest HOT Source

3. Open the TERMINAL

4. Go to your directory where you have extracted the HOT Source <cd <where you extracted the HOT source>/src/3rdparty


5. Go up a level with <cd ..> and type in <python setup.py bdist>

That's really all to do

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone,

Could anyone tell me how to install HOT using the binary distribution for Mac OS 10.6.4? I don't have any experience with programming and I have only used the terminal window on a few occasions, so if you can really spell it out for me in layman's terms that would be a big help. I'm also not very experienced with Houdini.

I'm running Houdini 11.0.581. I've downloaded "hotbin_osx_H11.0.469_1.0rc9" but I don't know how to install it. I've read the documentation on "Installation from a binary distribution" at http://anusf.anu.edu.au/~drw900/houdini/ocean/docs/

but I don't really understand the instructions and when I did try to use those instructions it failed.

I've also tried compiling from the source code. That seemed like it almost worked, but in the end if failed. After reading some posts related to the compiling failure I experienced it seemed like the answer Drew Whitehouse (I think it was him anyways) recommended was to install the binary distribution. So, can anybody tell me how to install the binary distribution of HOT on Mac OS 10.6.4?



it's not so difficult at it seems

1. Install Apple's Xcode Developer Toolkit

2. Download the latest HOT Source

3. Open the TERMINAL

4. Go to your directory where you have extracted the HOT Source <cd <where you extracted the HOT source>/src/3rdparty


5. Go up a level with <cd ..> and type in <python setup.py bdist>

That's really all to do

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Okay, so after digging a little deeper I've realized that I'm not able to compile the SOP_Star.C on my system. This may be the reason that I'm having trouble installing the binary distribution of HOT on mac os 10.6.4. (Though I thought this would only be a problem for trying to compile the HOT source code and wouldn't effect the binary distribution.)

Here's the error that I get from my Houdini Shell when I'm trying to compile the SOP_Star.C:

Workstation4:~ michaelmcneff$ cd $HFS/toolkit/samples/SOP

Workstation4:SOP michaelmcneff$ hcustom SOP_Star.C

Making SOP_Star.o and /Users/michaelmcneff/Library/Preferences/houdini/11.0/dso/SOP_Star.dylib from SOP_Star.C

/var/folders/8L/8LewdpRpGNKMbvCGnvcvpU+++TI/-Tmp-//ccVhdOZN.s:unknown:FATAL:can't create output file: SOP_Star.o

Compile failed

Workstation4:SOP michaelmcneff$

Could this be the reason that I'm having trouble installing even the binary distribution of HOT? To install the binary distribution of HOT I've tried the following.

Open the houdini shell.terminal and type:

export HOUDINI_DSO_PATH=/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.469_1.0rc9

Hit enter - No errors are returned.

However, when I go into Houdini and create a grid object, dive into the grid and try to attach the ocean to it, "ocean" isn't an option when I hit the tab key. I've also tried doing the "export HOUIDINI_DSO_PATH" in my mac's terminal window, but that didn't do the trick either.

Does anybody know why I might be having trouble compiling the SOP_Star.C ? Maybe fixing that will solve my HOT problems?



Hey everyone,

Could anyone tell me how to install HOT using the binary distribution for Mac OS 10.6.4? I don't have any experience with programming and I have only used the terminal window on a few occasions, so if you can really spell it out for me in layman's terms that would be a big help. I'm also not very experienced with Houdini.

I'm running Houdini 11.0.581. I've downloaded "hotbin_osx_H11.0.469_1.0rc9" but I don't know how to install it. I've read the documentation on "Installation from a binary distribution" at http://anusf.anu.edu.au/~drw900/houdini/ocean/docs/

but I don't really understand the instructions and when I did try to use those instructions it failed.

I've also tried compiling from the source code. That seemed like it almost worked, but in the end if failed. After reading some posts related to the compiling failure I experienced it seemed like the answer Drew Whitehouse (I think it was him anyways) recommended was to install the binary distribution. So, can anybody tell me how to install the binary distribution of HOT on Mac OS 10.6.4?



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Okay, so after digging a little deeper I've realized that I'm not able to compile the SOP_Star.C on my system. This may be the reason that I'm having trouble installing the binary distribution of HOT on mac os 10.6.4. (Though I thought this would only be a problem for trying to compile the HOT source code and wouldn't effect the binary distribution.)

Here's the error that I get from my Houdini Shell when I'm trying to compile the SOP_Star.C:

Workstation4:~ michaelmcneff$ cd $HFS/toolkit/samples/SOP

Workstation4:SOP michaelmcneff$ hcustom SOP_Star.C

Making SOP_Star.o and /Users/michaelmcneff/Library/Preferences/houdini/11.0/dso/SOP_Star.dylib from SOP_Star.C

/var/folders/8L/8LewdpRpGNKMbvCGnvcvpU+++TI/-Tmp-//ccVhdOZN.s:unknown:FATAL:can't create output file: SOP_Star.o

Compile failed

Workstation4:SOP michaelmcneff$

Could this be the reason that I'm having trouble installing even the binary distribution of HOT? To install the binary distribution of HOT I've tried the following.

Open the houdini shell.terminal and type:

export HOUDINI_DSO_PATH=/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.469_1.0rc9

Hit enter - No errors are returned.

However, when I go into Houdini and create a grid object, dive into the grid and try to attach the ocean to it, "ocean" isn't an option when I hit the tab key. I've also tried doing the "export HOUIDINI_DSO_PATH" in my mac's terminal window, but that didn't do the trick either.

Does anybody know why I might be having trouble compiling the SOP_Star.C ? Maybe fixing that will solve my HOT problems?



Hi Michael,

maybe it's a Directory Permission issue, did you try compile as superuser? i mean using "su" command ?

my last issue to compile H.O.T under osx was solved using super user mode, also you can try use a root user itself.

if you don't know your root password, go to help and type "enable root password".

i hope that help you.


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Hi exu,

Thanks for your quick reply. I just tried compiling while logged in as superuser. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to solve the problem. The Houdini Shell returned the same error as before.



Hi Michael,

maybe it's a Directory Permission issue, did you try compile as superuser? i mean using "su" command ?

my last issue to compile H.O.T under osx was solved using super user mode, also you can try use a root user itself.

if you don't know your root password, go to help and type "enable root password".

i hope that help you.


Edited by photoreel
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Hi exu,

Thanks for your quick reply. I just tried compiling while logged in as superuser. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to solve the problem. The Houdini Shell returned the same error as before.



Hey exu,

It turns out that you were right, it was a permissions problem after all. It turns out that the problem was that I was unable to write to the Houdini.frameworks directory and its sub-directories.

To solve it I logged in as superuser and went to /Library/Frameworks and copied the folder Houdini.framework to a folder on my desktop called "mine". Then I opened up the Terminal wan ran chmod -R 777 <path to "mine"> This changed all the permissions of the directories and sub-directories to read-write that are in the "mine" folder. Then I took my new read-write Houndini.framework folder from my desktop and replaced the original Houdini.framework folder with my new read-write enabled one.

Then I ran SOP_Star.C but I got an error. The error said that it couldn't find the directory /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/Frameworks

So I just created a folder named "Frameworks" in my "Resources" folder. Then I ran SOP_Star.C and it finally worked. Thanks for the info!

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Okay, so now that I know that my hdk is working (thanks to SOP_Star.C) I'm trying to compile HOT from source code for Mac OS 10.6.4 and Houdini 11.0.581. I was able successfully run ./build_osx.sh via the mac terminal window. Then from the mac terminal window I ran the following to try to compile HOT and got the following error

Workstation4:src michaelmcneff$ python setup.py bdist

---> pavement.bdist

---> pavement.build

---> pavement.clean

---> pavement.build_sop_cleavehttp://forums.odforce.net/public/style_images/master/rte_icons/font_color.png

hcustom -e -I 3rdparty/osx/include -I 3rdparty/include -L 3rdparty/osx/lib -l blitz -l fftw3f -i . SOP_Cleave.C

/bin/sh: hcustom: command not found

Captured Task Output:


---> pavement.bdist

---> pavement.build

---> pavement.clean

---> pavement.build_sop_cleave

hcustom -e -I 3rdparty/osx/include -I 3rdparty/include -L 3rdparty/osx/lib -l blitz -l fftw3f -i . SOP_Cleave.C

/bin/sh: hcustom: command not found

Build failed running pavement.bdist: Subprocess return code: 127

Workstation4:src michaelmcneff$

After getting that error I tried to compile HOT via the Houdini Shell which seemed to give me a better result (though I still can't seem to get HOT to work.) Please let me know if you think that this looks like it installed correctly. And if it did, why I might be currently unable to get HOT working in Houdini Thanks.

Last login: Tue Dec 28 12:43:11 on ttys000

cd /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources;source houdini_setup

Workstation4:~ michaelmcneff$ cd /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources;source houdini_setup

The Houdini 11.0.581 environment has been initialized.

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ cd /Users/michaelmcneff/Desktop/source/src

Workstation4:src michaelmcneff$ python setup.py bdist

---> pavement.bdist

---> pavement.build

---> pavement.clean

---> pavement.build_sop_cleave

hcustom -e -I 3rdparty/osx/include -I 3rdparty/include -L 3rdparty/osx/lib -l blitz -l fftw3f -i . SOP_Cleave.C

Linking with 'libblitz'

Linking with 'libfftw3f'

Install directory = '.'

g++ -DUT_DSO_TAGINFO='"3262197cbf1f40172ba708844a399ff92d48f5c7c030d2b727f789515844b5c237912681d332772a5d6ccee72a8a78500eaaf55fa1d8f944274378f813afc2ac49a645b1ed885c84b934980855aa31ec814ed5f0cfa2d924b3f65f014d4ae141f25ded419a3ee437cdc3abae8d"' -DVERSION=\"11.0.581\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -DMBSD -DMBSD_COCOA -DMBSD_INTEL -arch x86_64 -DAMD64 -fPIC -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=8 -DSESI_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DENABLE_THREADS -DUSE_PTHREADS -D_REENTRANT -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -c -I3rdparty/osx/include -I3rdparty/include -DGCC4 -DGCC3 -Wno-deprecated -DNEED_SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE -I/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/toolkit/include -I/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/toolkit/include/htools -Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-reorder -Wno-uninitialized -Wunused -Wno-unused-parameter -O2 -DMAKING_DSO -o SOP_Cleave.o SOP_Cleave.C

g++ -bundle SOP_Cleave.o -arch x86_64 -fobjc-gc-only -I3rdparty/osx/include -I3rdparty/include -L3rdparty/osx/lib -lblitz -lfftw3f -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa -rpath,@loader_path/Libraries -Wl,-rpath,/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Libraries -L/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Libraries -F/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/Frameworks -framework Houdini -o ./SOP_Cleave.dylib

---> pavement.build_sop_ocean

hcustom -e -I 3rdparty/osx/include -I 3rdparty/include -L 3rdparty/osx/lib -l blitz -l fftw3f -i . SOP_Ocean.C

Linking with 'libblitz'

Linking with 'libfftw3f'

Install directory = '.'

g++ -DUT_DSO_TAGINFO='"3262197cbf1f40172ba708844a399ff92d48f5c7c030d2b727f789515844b5c237912681d332772a5d6ccee72a8a78500eaaf55fa1d8f944274378f813afc2ac49a645b1ed885c84b934940855aa31ec814ed5f0cfa2d924b3f65f014d4ae141f25ded419a3ee437cdc3abae8d"' -DVERSION=\"11.0.581\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -DMBSD -DMBSD_COCOA -DMBSD_INTEL -arch x86_64 -DAMD64 -fPIC -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=8 -DSESI_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DENABLE_THREADS -DUSE_PTHREADS -D_REENTRANT -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -c -I3rdparty/osx/include -I3rdparty/include -DGCC4 -DGCC3 -Wno-deprecated -DNEED_SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE -I/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/toolkit/include -I/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/toolkit/include/htools -Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-reorder -Wno-uninitialized -Wunused -Wno-unused-parameter -O2 -DMAKING_DSO -o SOP_Ocean.o SOP_Ocean.C

g++ -bundle SOP_Ocean.o -arch x86_64 -fobjc-gc-only -I3rdparty/osx/include -I3rdparty/include -L3rdparty/osx/lib -lblitz -lfftw3f -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa -rpath,@loader_path/Libraries -Wl,-rpath,/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Libraries -L/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Libraries -F/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/Frameworks -framework Houdini -o ./SOP_Ocean.dylib

---> pavement.build_vex_ocean

hcustom -e -I 3rdparty/osx/include -I 3rdparty/include -L 3rdparty/osx/lib -l blitz -l fftw3f -i . VEX_Ocean.C

Linking with 'libblitz'

Linking with 'libfftw3f'

Install directory = '.'

g++ -DUT_DSO_TAGINFO='"3262197cbf1f40172ba708844a399ff92d48f5c7c030d2b727f789515844b5c237912681d332772a5d6ccee72a8a78500eaaf55fa1d8f944274378f813afc2ac49a645b1ed885c84b9359b0855aa31ec814ed5f0cfa2d924b3f65f014d4ae141f25ded419a3ee437cdc3abae8d"' -DVERSION=\"11.0.581\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -DMBSD -DMBSD_COCOA -DMBSD_INTEL -arch x86_64 -DAMD64 -fPIC -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=8 -DSESI_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DENABLE_THREADS -DUSE_PTHREADS -D_REENTRANT -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -c -I3rdparty/osx/include -I3rdparty/include -DGCC4 -DGCC3 -Wno-deprecated -DNEED_SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE -I/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/toolkit/include -I/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/toolkit/include/htools -Wall -W -Wno-parentheses -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-reorder -Wno-uninitialized -Wunused -Wno-unused-parameter -O2 -DMAKING_DSO -o VEX_Ocean.o VEX_Ocean.C

g++ -bundle VEX_Ocean.o -arch x86_64 -fobjc-gc-only -I3rdparty/osx/include -I3rdparty/include -L3rdparty/osx/lib -lblitz -lfftw3f -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa -rpath,@loader_path/Libraries -Wl,-rpath,/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Libraries -L/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Libraries -F/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/Frameworks -framework Houdini -o ./VEX_Ocean.dylib

makedirs hotdist (mode 511)

cd hotdist

makedirs dso (mode 511)

makedirs config (mode 511)

makedirs config/Icons (mode 511)

makedirs vex (mode 511)

makedirs otls (mode 511)

cd /Users/michaelmcneff/Desktop/source/src

copy SOP_Cleave.dylib hotdist/dso/SOP_Cleave.dylib

copy SOP_Ocean.dylib hotdist/dso/SOP_Ocean.dylib

copy VEX_Ocean.dylib hotdist/dso/VEX_Ocean.dylib

copy ./SOP_Ocean.png hotdist/config/Icons/./SOP_Ocean.png

copy ./SOP_Cleave.icon hotdist/config/Icons/./SOP_Cleave.icon

copy ../otls/HOT.otl hotdist/otls

copytree ../examples hotdist/examples

rename hotdist to hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9

rmtree hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9 () {}

Workstation4:src michaelmcneff$

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Hi Michel,

It's seen that you already compile H.O.T

the question is that you not able to run it...

so, if you go to houdini terminal and setup "export" environment path and after run houdini, i think that you be able to use it...

to solve this, in my case a manually put the H.O.T. files in my houdini framework...

like this:



and so...

or you can setup in your tcsh...

but because in snow leopard it's can be a messy... <_<

i'll attach a link with some info



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