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Render hangs / unresponsive :(


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Any ideas why my render comes to a stop and then refuses to go any further?

It often stops at a real low frame like 3, sometimes it may get further, but always stops. The project isn't overly complex (I don't think). There's a fluid container with an SPH fluid inside, and a couple of static objects: a pole and a cuboid standing inside, onto which falls an RBD fractured sphere, so it fractures on impact with the cube on the pole, then falls into the fluid, along with the debris.

Is it a problem with this project? I've noticed it's happened occasionally with other projects before, perhaps I'm doing something wrong?

If anyone would be kind enough to check out the hip file I'd be eternally grateful :)

Thanks in advance.


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No attachment, and some more info would really help.

Are you caching your simulation?

What render engine are you using?

What is your computer setup (i.e. Ram)?

What version of Houdini (including build)?

Does it render frame 3 independently or fail as part of a sequence?

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Cheers guys!

I've tried rendering it out to ip, and also as an exr. Not pic yet though, will try that soon.

Apologies for not providing more info straight up, I'm using a MacBook Pro Unibody 2.4ghz core i5 with 4gb ram, running OSX 10.6, with Houdini 11.

I'll try creating the project from scratch, maybe it became corrupt on my system?

Thanks for your help guys.

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Just to update, I've not had the same problem since that post, and have created a few different projects. I'm taking a little more care when building my projects now though, maybe that was the problem :)

One thing still bugs me though, every now and then, particularly when I press 'esc' to operate the camera, the viewer goes black, as if disabling all lights etc, and the handles on objects suddenly look very different. I feel it's almost certainly a bug, it feels like a bug when it happens. Don't suppose anyone's familiar with this or knows of any solution? Results in me restarting Houdini each time. Maybe, just maybe, it links in with the hanging renders?

Who knows, for now though, I'm delighted to be back on track. Can't wait to get Apprentice HD in the new year and start rendering out some crystal clear stuff :) Looking forward to actually starting to integrate it into my work :)

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