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how to export Data from Houdini to Grasshopper or Excel

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At first: I use Houdini Apprentice.

I´m currently searching for a solution to export data from Houdini to grasshopper or to exel spreadsheeds.

why excel spreadsheeds?

- because grasshopper can read them.

what kind of data?

- point/particle numbers and positions

- vertices

- in short: all data that can be shown in the detail view

(I know: that was a spongy declaration)

why not just "save geometry"?

- because all the point/particle NUMBERS are missing

and they´re so important for grasshopper!

It is so easy to get acces to all kind of data inside Houdini. there must be a way to get certain data out!

If anybody could help me I could breathe a sigh of relief!



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Since it is an apparentice you shouldn't "abuse" this feature.

If you find the software useful consider an "upgrade".

my intentions absolutely harmless!

i´m such a newbie in houdini

that i´m faaaaar away from any possibility of abusing houdini!

as i evaluate my current skills it will take me looooots of time to even follow the adwises that I achieved here in this forum - no joke!

the only risk might be that (after loooots of time time) I could interest some grasshopper users to take a look at houdini!



Edited by Fantasy3000
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Grasshopper requires no knowledge of programming or scripting, but still allows designers to build form generators from the simple to the awe-inspiring.

What's grashopper doing you can't achieve with houdini?

I guess grasshopper is lacking particle sims and dynamics.

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What's grashopper doing you can't achieve with houdini?

I guess grasshopper is lacking particle sims and dynamics.

Grashopper is a bit like building geometry in VOPs (I hope you can say it like that).

But as a Rhino-plugin it´s laid-out for fabrication. And it´s nurbs based.

And you are right: GS doesn´t have particles & dynamics and I want to see a bit of that in it. DOPs & POPs might be the main reason I started with Houdini. It´s experimentation and I HOPE that it will be fruitful!

Houdini appeared very promising to me because you have real good controll and acces to nearly every data/parameter INSIDE of it. That´s the reason I decided to learn it. But I´m more and more getting cold feet because I didn´t spend enough time thinking about data exchange!!!


Same topic here:



Edited by Fantasy3000
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