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Image Sequence Projection issue

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OK so currently I am trying to project a sequence of images onto a plane but am coming across some issues.

The original footage used was of a camera tilt that filmed the ground, this footage was tracked in nuke and the camera exported into Houdini.

The image sequence was then assigned to a material and projected onto a grid using the imported camera.

currently the sequence projects but it seems to be repeating so that you see more than one sequence on the grid.

Is there a way to solve this issue???


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The geometry is just a Plane in Houdini, all that has been changed to it is the number of rows and columns.

And yeah the images are just being read in through the material palette. I've used a Clay material and selected the sequence in the colour map tab, it has the $F too.

Connect a UVTexture SOP node to the grid. The defaults should work which will change the UV based on a projection from the Y axis. If the grid is on another axis then change the projection axis. Can you give an example image path from the image sequence and also the file path in Houdini? It sounds like something isn't matching up or maybe frame ranges are different.

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It seems that it isn't going through the image sequence at all, its just projecting the first frame.

The file name should be an expression like "image.$F.tif"

If it's showing just the first frame in the viewport. Might be that it's not updating OpenGL with the next frame. I've had this problem before, but couldn't fix it.

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