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Transfer SHOP Shader to SOP Via attribtransfer node


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Been stuck on this one for a few days. Everyone knows you can transfer attributes from let us say the color node which uses Cd to a another sop object of choice.

Say you're using that example with one point (using an add node in the sop) from the grid being transformed, then piping the add node into the color node. Then, the attribtransfer node picks up the Cd attribute automatically (don't have to type in Cd), then the initial grid displays this color attribute based on a tolerence you set in the attribtrans node.

Now what if I want to add turbulent noise to that color? That node doesn't exist but in the SHOP. So, how do you get the Shader in your SHOP to do what that color node is doing to the grid. E.g. if i'm using a glass shader, I want to see the glass shader gradually appear on the grid (based on that single point i used in the add node>xform). I really need help on how to go about doing this. What I'm doing is probably incorrect.

Edited by remlorestudios
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Also, if it is on the surface and you can afford an extra attribute, you co do a similar thing just with attributes on your object.

Hey Mocha! :) I guess we're going to create this thing together! ;) Nein Nein Nein... I'll post an example file. I figured it out for points, but I have to do a different method ( i guess via normals) so the noise texture isn't just that color per point which gives a streaked look... Although I really appreciate the help. And yes, we'll do some attributes with some relative code from some other source.

You seem to be the most active one on this board ;) If we get this right, it'll create some really realistic foam that follows the oceangrid. I was able to add noise to the Cd attribute in a vopsop placed before the

atrribtransfer node... so this made that Cd color change it's values.. but that's a line of points extracted from the main Grid being pumped in via the other side of the node. Then I'm piping that into a channel which is being driven by a chopsnet with a geo node appended by a lag. =) At the sametime configuring this Dual Xeon 5600 series dell workstation.. fast computer and selling thee older stuff on Ebay! :P

sux.. I'm a one legged man in an ass kicking contest ;) But then you're here to help create! As soon as I get something functioning here, I'll post it and you can have a lookc! Then we must do the same for the oceaneval eigenvalues .. the noise and color will form at the crests and be driven via channel into a chops network! :)

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