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hey guys. got a wee bit of a question on sounds.

just thinking of an upcomming project involving a mechanical character, and i want to attach sounds to it.. and have sounds affect some of its animation as well.

i figured out how to make a sound affect an animation of an object. that was easy. but now im thinking of having an objects position/transformation trigger sounds. ( say when a character stomps his foot onto the ground i would get that to trigger a sound once. )

this would be great for mechanical objects because all my sounds would be aligned with the animation. and then if i could bake those sounds into one wave and record it.. that would be really keen, as compositing would be rather simple.

( btw. any way to bake chops into a single file? im asking because right now having a number of math nodes on sound clips used to drive animation ) can slow houdini down considerably. so being able to bake it.. and feed that into another node would be nice.


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The object chop can return info about the position of objects. Try using that with a dummy null object positioned at 0,0,0.

As for baking chops, they're the same as any other operator (except for VOPs). Right-click on the node, and choose save. Load it back in with a file chop. Alternatively, just turn on its lock flag. If you have different chops, combine them using the merge chop.

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