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Q: deforming geo from displacement (Mantra Surface)


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Two things, one that Jeff mentioned is using rest position instead of using live surface position because the object moves which changes the surface position. The other is transforming the surface position into object/world space instead of camera space which is the default for displacement VOP network. If that transform from camera space to object/world space doesn't happen then as the object moves in the frame (even if the object isn't moving in world space) the displacements will change.

Edited by lukeiamyourfather
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Two things, one that Jeff mentioned is using rest position instead of using live surface position because the object moves which changes the surface position. The other is transforming the surface position into object/world space instead of camera space which is the default for displacement VOP network. If that transform from camera space to object/world space doesn't happen then as the object moves in the frame (even if the object isn't moving in world space) the displacements will change.

Hi luke,

really appreciate your explanation. I managed get rid of the problem using Rest Position VOP but...



Edited by Eitht
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