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Loft Analog?

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What I have is a 4 point curve that is having the middle points deformed based on the movements of the two end points, making it wiggle as the end points move. I want to use a Lattice SOP to deform a particle system based on the deformations of the curve. I saw the method in a example file that I stumbled upon that is similar to what I want to do, only he used a Revolve SOP on the curve to accomplish what he was doing. What I am trying to do is have the shape follow the curve of the line, not create a shape from it. In 3ds, I would have thrown down a circle and line, then lofted the circle along the line, but I cannot find an analog for this process in Houdini. I know there has to be one, I am just not seeing it.

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I suggest the Sweep SOP over on SESI forums

Yeah, that is what I was looking for, now I just need to figure out how to get some more detail into the surface, but it will do with just the 4 cross sections for the time being. There is nothing stopping me from adding more points, as the intermediary points are controlled using expressions, all I have to do is adjust the math, but I would like to find a way that doesn't involve that. I tried a Resample SOP, but it didn't seem to work right.

I am double posting between here and the SideFX forum because they are the best ones to get answers on quickly. Sorry if anyone gets irritated by the mirrored posts.

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