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fluid particles interacting with rigid bodies


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I am having a hard time controlling the interaction between fluid particles and the rigid bodies. I am using Houdini 10, and I am wondering if anyone has a suggestion for how to proceed.

I'm trying to create an effect where liquid pours into a glass that has ice cubes already sitting in it. The liquid should interact with the ice cubes and make them float as the glass is filled.

Right now, I have fluid particles flowing into a glass model that is a static object. I have turned the bounce on the fluid particles to 0 and the friction to 1. When I just have the fluid particles and the static glass, the pour looks just fine. However, when I add a model of an ice cube to the bottom of the glass, the simulation will work for a few frames then blow up. I added the ice cube as a rigid body with a low density so it will float. For a few frames, the liquid particles will pour in and interact fairly nicely with the rigid body. However, at some point not too far into the simulation, the ice cube just disappears and the fluid particles fly everywhere. I turned the substeps for the simulation up to 10 per frame, but this doesn't seem to make a difference.

If anyone has a suggestion for something to try in Houdini 10, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

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without looking at the scene I can suggest you look at the feedback scale, in the fluid solver, perhaps that is turned up to high (or to low)?

I would guess on too low. It defaults at like 0 or 1 but needs to be closer to 1000 usually.

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Thanks for your responses. I'm not sure where to find the feedback scale on the particle fluid solver node, though. I see it on a fluid solver node, but in this example, I'm using a particle fluid solver.

I have attached an example file, and you'll see that the fluid particles fly out everywhere when they hit the ice cube even through their bounce is 0. I slightly modified the ice cube model and it no longer just disappears out of the simulation, but the particles are still very unstable when they contact it.

Is there a feedback scale for a particle fluid solver that I'm just missing?



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