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Scale of entire scene

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Hi, just some curious question about a scale of a scene. Say I am doing a scene, which takes place in a enclosed room, should my objects(cubes,wall, etc) roughly around the viewport grid (default/construction plane) size or can it be way much bigger than the grid? I need some advices on this. Thank you.

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Hiya Strife,

As a general rule, try and stick to a real-world scale: 1 Houdini unit == 1 metre (the default setting under > hip file options in Preferences).

So this would mean that a standard primitive box would measure 1m x 1m x 1m.

This will be beneficial in all aspects of using Houdini, as stuff like DOPs and Mantra are sensitive to issues of scale, though you can adjust it as you see fit in the preferences if necessary.

Hope that helps!


Edited by Matt_K
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