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Batch render geometry node

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I have a hip file with several out geometry nodes which generate different geometries at each frame.

I would like to batch (command line) my houdini file on a renderfarm. I don't care about pictures or Mantra job, geometry nodes are my only goal.

We have our own dispatcher in my company, and I just would like to execute some out-geometry nodes in my hip file.

Is there a way to do that ? What is the classic worklow ? Because in the documentation I can only see Mantra or Simulation batch info ;(

This is the first production I do with Houdini (we generally use Maya, and even if I know a bit Houdini, I have never used it in a production environment, network, renderfarm etc...) and I'm a bit lost on batch / renderfarm issues with houdini and nobody can help me here.

So, I'm really interested to be advised about networking setup with houdini in different studios.

Thanks in advance !

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So, basically you want to execute a csh/bash/python script on a farm. There is one, called hrender that comes with Houdini (csh):

hrender -d /path/to/driver scene.hip

You can manage your own script and execute it with hscript (i.e. hscript script.cmd). The easiest one:

mread test.hip     
render -V /path/to/driver

or python (hython script.py)


Hope, it's enough.


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Do you know what is the license policy of sideFx about those batch process ?

hscript/hython requires its own license or can eat Houdini's one:


It costs quite a bit, but on the over hand, it's fully working Houdini, which can simulate, bake out, comp or render ifds.


btw: on the workstation with Houdini Master/Escape running, hscript won't take any license, but will keep one even after Houdini GUI will quit.

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