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Variables on VOP SOP


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Hi all.

I'm new in Vops and I'm confused in my first experience.

Problem is that i can't use variables(ex. ptnum) for node parameters, they give me error.

I upload a simple sample, for vop node i can use point id variable to determine position of points.

I know that i can set it in vop node, but i want to do that on out of vop node and in parameters interface.

I hope if anybody help me.


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you can't do that on VOP Parameters

however, if you create VOP Parameter, it can be overriden per point by attribute on input geometry with the same name and type as Parameter

so if you create float attribute named "height", then if you create "height" float parameter in VOPs, it will use values from attribute rather than from UI

(or create attribute based on parameter name, great for per point/face overriding shaders)

if you really want to modify values by per point expression instead of in VOPs directly, use Attrib Create and put expression in there, it will create the attribute which will override VOP values

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