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Channel CHOP and grabbing animation data?

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I am trying to use Channel CHOP to bring values into CHOPS. Now I can use Channel CHOP to populate bunch of channels and use them to override or export. However I am not able to bring any data. On the other hand Motion Effects menu can bring animation data via Channel CHOPS into CHOPS.

In the screenshot, you can see my basic usage. This works for combining with other methods(like math) to generate data but not for bringing data. The only difference I can see with mine and the Motion Effects generated channel chop is that it seems like ME is able to generate aliases for these channels.

Any ideas, suggestions?



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The Channel CHOP does not read in channel data from other contexts; it only creates animation channels given some data. Motion Effects works by copying the original animation channels from your node to the generated Channel CHOP. It also sets the channel names to be representative of their source for easier readability. You can rename them all you want as long as you modify the export to reflect these new naming schemes.

The Fetch CHOP is used to grab animation channels from nodes. The reason that Motion Effects uses a Channel with the animation copied instead of Fetch is due to recursion. If you are fetching animation channels or position data from a node/object, manipulating it and then attempting to export to the same channels, you are now delving into recursion and CHOPs won't like that.

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The Channel CHOP does not read in channel data from other contexts; it only creates animation channels given some data. Motion Effects works by copying the original animation channels from your node to the generated Channel CHOP. It also sets the channel names to be representative of their source for easier readability. You can rename them all you want as long as you modify the export to reflect these new naming schemes.

The Fetch CHOP is used to grab animation channels from nodes. The reason that Motion Effects uses a Channel with the animation copied instead of Fetch is due to recursion. If you are fetching animation channels or position data from a node/object, manipulating it and then attempting to export to the same channels, you are now delving into recursion and CHOPs won't like that.


Thanks for the detailed answer. I was suspecting that this would be the case but could not figure out since I could not find out how ME did it. You detailed answer makes perfect sense. I can use Fetch SOP with some Python. I was just trying to keep all in Channel SOP.

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