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fur guide curves interpolating problem


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Hi guys, I'm doing some long hair stuff here.

I replaced the original guide geometry with my own hair curves, everything is fine in the first attempt which located right side.

But for second attempt there's something strange, the interpolated hairs appear accros the whole skin geometry, that means there're hairs inside the skin geometry. The methods in both attmpts are the same, strange, huh?

So, does anybody know why does this happen and how to avoid this?


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I have this problem too. I thought it had something to do with the guide settings on the fur asset. How closely it keeps the interpolated stands to the guides etc. I've tried messing with pretty much every parameter and node within the fur asset.

Can i ask are you utilizing the scattered points feature on the fur asset?

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Thanks for the reply Andrew.

I found 2 useful attributes that fur SOP could use : guideorigin and guideradius, maybe if there's no these 2 attributes on guides houdini automaticly interpolates hairs somehow native. You can have a try on it.

I'm not using scattered points feature, just replaced the guide curves with my own which is a set of curves.

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Are you using all the polygons when to emit the hair from? That might be the issue. Try selecting a smaller subset, grouping this, then object import it into a new geo container and use this new geo container as the head/scalp source. That's what I did.

Never mind I didn't completely read your post. Actually I saw that too and I don't know what to do about it.

Edited by jim c
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Could you be a bit clearer? How would you part a chunk of hair so that it doesn't penetrate the skin geometry? Im pretty sure i use parting line for just that... a parting line, it works as suggested and doesn't help the rest of the geometry from penetrating.

Edited by phrenzy84
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