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Slow simulations after attaching gas resize fluid


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Hi all,

I am simulating a smoke stack. i used to do simulations without gas resize fluid tool and it used to simulate faster even when i had 300 div on the low res. now after i started using Gas resize fluid tool the whole simulation is taking so long and a lot of space on hard drive and too much ram as well. i have kept 4, 4, 4 values on the voxel parameters of the Gas resize fluid; is this the reason its taking so long.?

right now i am simulating 300 frames with 130 div on low res and it took around 7 hours to cook 230 frames which is quite strange.

does anyone know why is it taking so long. am i missing something?


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Attached, is the file. also, in terms of scale/size of the container, the upres grid size ( container size)doesnt match up with the low res container size ( upres container size is smaller and cutting smoke from the top while the lowres container is a bit bigger. although, i only changed the data name of the sop solver.


aside from that i got another question. i came from Fumefx background and last time when i was finishing this gig i had pretty tight deadline schedules but fume was pretty fast to finish the tasks so it was manageable. just curious, how do you manage to complete tasks in a houdini base production when even small smoke stacks takes about 16 hours of sim. and then you have to write pc fire pc smoke scattering files as well.


Edited by junyd
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