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houdini groom extraction


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Hey gang,

anyone ever dare try to extract a houdini groom and plunk it back into maya? I would love to be able to just keep everything houdini but that isn't really a possibility at the moment.

My thought is to do the groom in houdini and them bake out curves, and the attribute maps and get them into an "maya" friendly form. Fun thing is they describe fur not a as a direction but base it on lift, roll and a polar value. Other attributes have to be min'd and max'd and then remapped to be between 0-1 before I can get a useful map. the entire furdirection thing is a bit of a pain trying to break it down into rotational values.

So i'm in a land of VOPs trying to get my furdirection out using N as my "up", and an arbitrary "out" through dot product and trig to extract a rotation, and I've found an example of how to convert direction to degrees via a vopSop network that ultimately derives a quaternion that is then extracted as rotation, but it needs to be relative to something.. so when I'm going through the pts and seeing how it looks, the values are not what i'm expect the rotation to be.

Any pointers on this would be appreciated, my VOP and vectors hasn't been tested in a while.



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