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Shading weirdness with displacement


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Hi folks, for the last couple of weeks I've been in the process of painting displacement maps for a character. It's been going pretty well with the exception of one recurring problem.

If you look at the circled parts, it looks like those areas of the mesh are cut into, creating a harsh border where the should be none. No clue what's causing this, it's not the displacement map itself, and the UV layout seems sound. I first looked at the micropoly settings in mantra and played with those, but none of it made a difference. Then I looked if I could tweak any settings at the object level, but the only relevant thing seemed to be 'displace bound' and that wasn't it either. Maybe one of you guys with more experience have run into this sort of thing before and know what it is??


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Also, this is what it looks like when you apply a texture map (a screenshot of the UV layout) as opposed to a displace shader. The bitmap itself is fine, but when it's applied on the model, the problem areas appear as smudged, or blurred edges...

forgot to mention, the model is set to render as sub-division surfaces.


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