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proper height map in a shader


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I cant believe Im having issues with this simple shader:

Trying to get a height map (well its actually a z-depth map) that has a very narrow range.

For example my furthest point is -2 on z and the nearest point is +2 on z. I want to generate a greyscale map that has a value from 0 to 1.

The math Im using is just pz-farplane. in this example our values will range from 0 where z is the farthest point and 4 where the point is at the near plane.

if I use a fitrange and remap the values 0->4 to 0->1 i should get a nice smooth ramp. But that is not working.

Is there a better way to do this or a shader that already exists? Thanks,

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bump.. anyone? its just a simple heightmap for crying out loud. I tried some other things, nothing is working.. the only thing that does work is embedding height via bounding box ($BBZ) as point color. This .. is not satisfactory. I need it to work in a shader so I can bake depth from displacements..etc.

I cant believe Im having issues with this simple shader:

Trying to get a height map (well its actually a z-depth map) that has a very narrow range.

For example my furthest point is -2 on z and the nearest point is +2 on z. I want to generate a greyscale map that has a value from 0 to 1.

The math Im using is just pz-farplane. in this example our values will range from 0 where z is the farthest point and 4 where the point is at the near plane.

if I use a fitrange and remap the values 0->4 to 0->1 i should get a nice smooth ramp. But that is not working.

Is there a better way to do this or a shader that already exists? Thanks,

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

Hi guys.

I am struggling on how to get a height map (black and white texture) to work on a grid.

I add a vopsop, and in here I usually use a turbnoise and connect it to displacement.

Now I am trying to use a texturenode to displace the grid, but I can´t get it to work.

Here is a simple setup that I tried to do. Can´t find where I should look in the help neither...

Does anybody have some ideas?




Edited by dynamoanders
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Could you not just render a ramp using the object bounds on whatever axis you wanted that way getting a full range from 0-1 without having to worry about remapping to an objects specific. You could do it in a vop or simply uv project and texture with a ramp. I have rendered a lot of height maps for both terrain and parallax mapping this way

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