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I hope to give a value to some of attributes with using Voppop

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You are adding "return 1 if found" to "return 1 if found" ... resulting integer 2..

Even if you would add attributes (that have value of 0), nothing would happen because everything is static. What do You want to achieve ?

Edited by tmdag
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Thanks a lot, Peon.


I hope to make particle 5 frame go, 5 frame stop.

Sorry, I don't understand what do You mean by that.. you want to have particles moving until frame 5?

Could you check my file again if you're available?

I attached new file ;)

unfortunately there is no file attached

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I think that on this stage, easier for you would be to use for eg keyframed drag node.

if you really want to do it in vops, there is no need to count anything, you could use multiplayer with keyframed parameter.. or expression like if($F>5, 0, 1) or `if` node in voppop

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Thx Peon to add reply really quick!

I'm trying to use Voppop to learn about it though it is useless haha.

I think Count is needed to check each 5 frame.

Because I hope to make particle moves in first 5 frame, and stop in next 5frame, and move again in next 5 frame... like loop ;)

Edited by kidsreturnjj
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there are many ways to do it but if You want to use vop pop, for eg. you could make a sine function of time, rint it and that could be your 1-0 trigger.

something like rint(sin($F * some value )/2+0.5)

Edited by tmdag
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