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Visualizing refined geo by mantra

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Hi guys,

It might be a naive question to ask.

Is there a way we can visualize or dump the refined geo by mantra ? I want to see how mantra refines /splits primitives before being diced in to micro polygons depending on the grid/bucket size, shading rate, primitive measuring options etc.

Since refinement depends on the type of primitive so lets say a sphere primitive which is implicitly defined at sop level.

How would it be split and converted from implicit into many parametric subprimitive patches for given parameters.

Rendering an image with random noise pattern which is smoothly blended across micropolygons is one way to check for split seams.

But i want to know if there is way, we can duplicate mantra's geometry engine settings at sop level or at least grab the geometry coming out from splitting loop just before being diced.

Any suggestions ?


Edited by vectorblur
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Thank you guys for the replies :).

Would using the Subdivide SOP with Mantra compatible subdivision turned be what you're after?

Not really – so as help card says.

“It enables a subdivision algorithm that is compatible with the subdivision algorithm used by mantra when the Polygons as Subdivision rendering parameter is enabled”

Not quite what you want but maybe you can just write out a point cloud from your shader. Then that would give you some idea of the density of micropolygons?

Point clouds will be really cool if we can we access info from the micorpolys such as “which patch/grid they were part of before they are busted into individual polygons for sampling ?

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