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Is there a way to render what is called hypertextures in houdini?


Vue has them too, bottom of the page


I know with volumes I can do something similar, but I'm not shure if I can shade them as a solid model..

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Image3d Procedural SHOP turns your volume into iso-surface at render time. So they can be surfaced as polygons objects. There is also undocumented property vm_volumeiso, which turns any volume object into iso-surface including CVEX Volume Procedural, which defines volume at render time (though it's rather slow). Also you can store some colors/density (from images, procedural what ever) in a volume and use it as a 3d texture for displacement/colorizing surface. So once you have a volume you can either render it pretty much like hyper-textures or make a surface and apply details colors from that, which I think is more realistic solutions.

Some nice ideas here:


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