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hda python problem


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The given below is a little snippet of my hda code.This is a shelf tool I am trying to implement.If i click once.It creates the operation well.But if i click the tool more than once.It does throw some error.Please let me know how to correct this.Thank you.

obj = hou.node('/obj') 
subnets = hou.nodeType(hou.objNodeTypeCategory(), "subnet")
for x in su_inst:
    for parm in myhd.parmTuples():
#multiparm folder list
bgeo=hou.FolderParmTemplate("bgeofolder","Add BGEO",folder_type=hou.folderType.MultiparmBlock,default_value=0,ends_tab_group=False)

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After first launching of the script you have "/obj/HOUDIGASS" node created with it's params.

When you launch the script second time you already have the "/obj/HOUDIGASS" created. And with houda.addSpareParmTuple(ol) you want to add param tuple with the name "llist" which already exists in this node.

You probably should create "/obj/HOUDIGASS" subnet not with the hardcoded name but with addition 1,2,3... to the end like Houdini does it by default.

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What do you want the script to do on the second run?

Hi Sam,

Basically nothing.I would like to behave this as a shelf tool.If the user clicks the tool for the 2nd time.I want to place the node 2nd time in the network.But if i click more than once im getting problem.Any solutions would be really coool


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Why are you creating a digital asset on the script? Do you want a new digital asset each time?

It seems like you don't need a shell script at all. Just make a digital asset, and you can creat a new node with the tab menu.

I thought of making it as a shelf tool.

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Yeah, its always a good idea to know what we want to have as a final result :)

Maybe instead of creating a DA it would be better to just create a bunch of nodes and its params with your shelf tool. Now the script tends to create new DA on every using a shelf tool. But DAs didn't designed to behave like this. In addition if I'll choose HOUDIGASS from TAB menu it will creates not the same object as I'll create with a shelf tool. Its because you make changes in HOUDIGASS after creating it in your script.

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@Green Man

Which is the best way to create digital assets using script.Previously i tried creating all the nodes and parms and then hda-ed.But Later i got lot of referencing problems :( so now planning to rewrite it again!let me know what you think

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