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Mantra and Lens, Enviroment or Volume Shaders?

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Hi guys.

I'm new in houdini universe.

And i want to know if Mantra uses some kind of Lens, Environment, or Volume shaders like Mental ray?



Afaik none of them exist in Mantra in a form of mental ray's. Since mental ray is kind of black box in terms of rays resolving, you need these shaders to tell rays what to do when entering a scene (lenses), entering objects' volume (volumes), or missed ray hits (environment).

Mantra, on the over hand, sends rays "manually" - specified by an user i.e. shader, thus you have an option to control its behavior, at least from a legacy point of view. In days of PBR, these ideas seem to be more and more tempting.

Additionally lens shaders would work only in ray trace mode (as they do in mental ray), so they are quite limited for multi-engine renderer like Mantra.

Some of this functionality can be emulated with built-in tools though. Fog shaders can work as lenses, lights' one as environment. Looks like some PBR internals are wired together this way.



Edited by SYmek
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