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Multi monitor houdini desktop problem


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I just got a new second monitor for Houdini and placed it on the left where the desktop is like this:


[lcd 2] [lcd 1]

So the second monitor goes into negative range in my desktop.

Not sure if it would have any effect, but I set my current Houdini desktop to be like this:

[---------------------------------lcd 2---------------------------------] [-----lcd 1-----]

[scene view(full screen, maximize, attach to desktop)] [everything else]

So I saved this desktop and set Houdini to use it at startup, but when I run a new copy of Houdini, all lcd 1 contents appear as expected on lcd 1 where the window is maximized, but the sceneview that I set to lcd 2 appears on top and all the options I set for it are turned off.

Also when in this state, I can't even move 1 out because Houdini brings each window on top of each other, so there is something like a z-order fighting.

How can I fix this? I am sure I am not the only person using a setup like this.


Edited by magneto
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I changed the monitor order to see if it would fix it, but it didn't. IMO it would be really cool if you could configure certain Houdini windows to be full screen and attached to specific desktops.

Actually this might be a bug, but when I get the sceneview fullscreen with attached to desktop turned on or off, the viewport started going gray to black (my background color), sort of flicker, when I am using the other monitor.

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With multiple desktops there are a lot of video card related issues. We had a couple different video cards at work and all of the custom Houdini desktops interacted differently. Also we were on macs so there was some further hardware OS fun that rang into the equation. One of the problems with defining Z space issue on the desktop let alone X and Y is that it is not always possible to define that info inorder to have things correspond correctly.

I would take a screen grab of your issue, with you system info and your video card, and send that into sidefx. If enough people have the problem, or you can pin down the issue exactly they can fix it. I know for my intel graphics based laptop they just locked it out from being able to be used, since do to the nature of the graphics hardware there is nothing they could have done to fix the light show that happen when I move nodes around.

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