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How to get the selected edges in a python sop?


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I am trying to write some basic SOPs using python. I want to get the selected edges in the current geometry. I looked at this page where I am handed a Geometry instance of the cooked OP, but it seems like there are no edge related functions present:


I want to do it in the way of other OPs like Dissolve where it uses the currently selected geometry that's handed to it.


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Edges don't really have an object type representation that is available to the user in Houdini. They have functionality for doing such things in the HDK, but not so much other ways. Edges are just a connection between two points, so given a list of certain points, you could perform various actions on "edges". There are some examples around of people creating faux edge based tools with points in SOPs which might prove informative.

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Thanks graham. Do you know if thouse faux edge examples are here or just all over? I would appreciate a link if it's handy.

It seems like whenever an edge selection is made so a point and primitive selection too. I imagine I can utilize these to "find" the edges.

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