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I have a grid.I want to find the number of polygons points and prims in the grid.could anyone share a code snippet.thnks

geo = hou.node().geometry()

npts = len(geo.points())

npr = len(geo.prims())

print npts

print npr

not sure what you mean by polys as a poly is a prim, unles its a mesh. :blink:

Edited by 3dbeing
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geo = hou.node().geometry()

npts = len(geo.points())

npr = len(geo.prims())

print npts

print npr

not sure what you mean by polys as a poly is a prim, unles its a mesh. :blink:


can we also find uv cordinates and the number of vertices

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can we also find uv cordinates and the number of vertices

Yes! :ph34r:

test =0
for x in geo.prims():
     test = test+x.numVerticies()

print test

also this brought up the realisation that prims is a rather generic term. Perhaps you were referring to faces earlier?

Prim Type

I found this one interesting

hou.primType.Mataball (sp?)

as for uv's i think this is what you're after, but hmmmm


Edited by 3dbeing
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