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How to freeze/capture RBD sim result?

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Basically I have a box object that I wanna fill with other geometric objects from my scene. I can do this easily using the RBD simulation where I would get them to free fall into this box to fill it. But after that, how I can take the position and rotation of these objects from the sim and make it their default and disregard the sim?

In Max's reactor, you would sim, and then in this interactive window, when you are happy, you would click "Update Max", where it would capture the position and rotation of the simmed objects from the sim.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot :)

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I was just trying this method but both of them will save the geometric shape of the simulated objects as a whole, right? Because I am doing the sims with proxy objects that are very low res. After "freezing" them, I want to replace them with my high res objects.

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In the SOP network. There should be a node that imports the DOP network. Can't remember the name, DopImport or something.

There is an option to tell it to only import Points. You can then use those Points in a Copy SOP to recreate the high-res.

Those points should be saved to disk for later re-use.

Edited by hopbin9
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Thanks man, yeah there is a Dop Import SOP. In the import style there is an option that says "Create Points to Represent Objects".

So I have to go into AutoDopNetwork, and add a Rop Driver at the end. Bake only the frame I need. Then go back to Dop Import SOP, and choose "Create Points to Represent Objects". But how do I specify where to load this geo? There is only DOP Network and Object Mask but they don't seem to be it?

Because once I imported them into this Dop Import, then I will just use it as a template to Copy SOP, right?

Actually you said Points, so Copy SOP will position objects to these points, but what about orientation? :)

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Because once I imported them into this Dop Import, then I will just use it as a template to Copy SOP, right?

Actually you said Points, so Copy SOP will position objects to these points, but what about orientation? :)

By default there should be Orient attrib on the points which is a quaternion, So you wont have to worry about that.

Also there are many good examples attached with dopimport help card.

Low res - high res proxy setups and how to turn rbd system into points etc. etc. you might want to look at them for better understanding.


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