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slow animation?

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Hey guys.

I´m wondering the best setup for doing some object animation? Speedwise that is.

I noticed that if you animate directly on the primitive, the animation slows down considerably..

Usually I animate directly on the a transform, and within the geo node, that´s the way to do it right?

Or should I fetch the geometry into a now geonode via object merge? And animate on that?

I´ll post a file that show the difference in speed.



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Of course you should animate at object level, if possible. The big difference in your hip file between primitive_anim and transform_anim is that in transform_anim, merge sop - time independent.This means that it cooks only once, and then,each frame, pass trough transform SOP. In case of primitive_anim, merge sop, get cooked every frame, and this operation (merging geometry) is quite expensive. You can MMB on node to see if it time dependent. For best performance try to avoid animation of up stream nodes in your sop networks....


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Hello again Stalkerx777

Hmm, what do you mean object level?

Is it in scene level, or in geometry level?

On the geo node, or inside, in the object?

Oh, and I never used the information for looking at cooking time and time dependant before, I´ve seen it, but never used it for optimasing stuff. Clever :-)

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