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Mimic "CreateAllLocalMaterialParameters"


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Hi All,

I'd like to access or emulate the "Create All Local Material Parameters"


Resulting in


I'm still beginning to use Python, but I'm a bit lost on how I should approach this. I think I've got the beginning, but then...

shop = hou.node('/shop/material1').parmTemplateGroup()



It creates all the parameters under a "Spare" folder and puts the existing parameters under a "Standard" folder. Something that is totally different. Looking through the ParmTemplateGroup functions I'm unable to find/understand yet how I should approach this. :huh:

Putting me on the right track would be greatly appreciated by this derailed person.

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here's how you do it

shop = hou.node('/shop/clay')
shopptg = shop.parmTemplateGroup()
node = hou.node('/obj/box_object1')
ptg = node.parmTemplateGroup()
for i in shopptg.parmTemplates():
    ptg.appendToFolder(ptg.findFolder("Material"), i)




Thanks a lot Manuel :) It works in the sense that it adds the parameters on the right spot, but there seems more things going on with the delayed load. Because if I use the "Create All Local Material Parameters" then the instancing works.

If I add the parameters with the script it doesn't work. Has anybody have some ideas on this?


Using script


I've also attached the scene file.


Edited by kgoossens
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The problem is that material override parameters need to have a special parm tag to flag them as being material overrides: "material_spare" = "1". This needs to be set on every parameter that is being applied. The following function is what I use to handle this type of thing. Given the object node to apply the operation to, it will find the material node, ensure it's actually a material, then take care of modifying all the parameters and sticking them in the right place.

def applyLocalOverrides(objnode):
    """ Promote all material parameters from the Material SHOP
        to the node.
    # Get the path to the material.
    material_path = objnode.evalParm("shop_materialpath")
    # Try to find the node.
    material_node = objnode.node(material_path)

    # The node type for the SHOP material node.
    material_type = hou.nodeType(hou.shopNodeTypeCategory(), "material")

    # If the material node doesn't exist we need to throw an error.
    if not material_node:
        msg = "{0} is not a valid node.".format(material_path)
        raise hou.OperationFailed(msg)
    # If the material node is not actually a material we need to throw
    # an error.
    if material_node.type() != material_type:
        msg = "{0} is not a material.".format(material_path)
        raise hou.OperationFailed(msg)

    # Grab the parm template groups for the material and object.
    material_template_group = material_node.parmTemplateGroup()
    template_group = objnode.parmTemplateGroup()

    # We need to loop over every entry in the material group and apply the
    # 'material_spare' tag with a value of '1'.
    for template in material_template_group.entriesWithoutFolders():
        # Grab any existing tags.
        tags = template.tags()
        # Apply the tag to signify it is a material spare property.
        tags["material_spare"] = "1"
        # Set the tags back to the template.
        # Replace the original template with the modified one.
        material_template_group.replace(template.name(), template)

    # Find the folder to place the parameters into.
    material_folder = template_group.findFolder("Material")
    # For each entry in the template group, append it to the material 
    # folder.
    for template in material_template_group.entries():
        template_group.appendToFolder(material_folder, template)
    # Set the parm template group with the new parms to the object.

Edited by graham
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