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Problem exporting attributes out of a SHOP network


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I did this before but now it gives me warnings that there are external references in my digital asset.

Basically I have a subnet with SOPs that model a certain geometry. I also have a SHOPnet inside where I have a vopmaterial, and inside it a shader.

I have parameters like ambient, diffuse, specular color, etc in the Lighting Model VOP, but when I ALT + middle click the parameters I want to export, I notice the Linked Channels have absolute paths like "obj/pool/pool/shopnet1/vopmaterial1...", instead of relative.

Why does this not automatically use relative paths? I did it before and this is the first time it happens.

Then I removed everything in the beginning so it starts with "shopnet1/..." but it still warns me for external references.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


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How did you expose the parameter? If you used the "edit operator type" window I believe there's a toggle that enables relative paths...

Sorry, I thought there was something, but nope... and I can't reproduce your particular issue. I do have an asset with shopnet and shaders inside but I just don't get the same error...

Edited by rafaelfs
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I found the problem. It was happening when I was exporting the parameter from a Parameter VOP directly, instead of going up and exporting the visible parameter up one level.

So exporting a parameter directly from a Parameter VOP is the wrong way to do it then, right?

Here is the image:


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