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Create Pose problem


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Hi! As you know to create chop pose from current selected controls you must choose in Motion Effects menu Create Pose and if parms are scoped everything works fine.

But when I call this script from digital asset houdini gives me an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

File "opdef:/Object/facial_animation_rig?PythonModule", line 4, in addPose

KeyError: ('parms',)

Button in digital asset by this code...


...call this function:

def addPose():

import choptoolutils

parms = kwargs['parms']


What I'm doing wrong?

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When the menu calls it, the UI sets up kwargs['parm'] for the script, which is a list of hou.Parm objects. If you call it yourself, then you shouldn't use kwargs['parms'], but pass choptoolutils.createPose(myparms) where myparms is the list of parms that you want to create the pose for yourself.

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Thxs, edward! It's true but I'd like to create pose from selected controls in viewport by clicking button in asset. And the problem i can't understand is how Motion Effects Create Pose Tool takes only scoped parms from selected controls(nodes). I will try to use isAutoscoped() and isLocked() functions to solve it.

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