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Copy stamp a string value?


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Edward, I'm sure that if you present it in way that is not too littered with hardcore coding language we non-c++ people can get at least something from it. Sometimes just catching a concept or an idea is enough to nudge somebody's way of thinking and only good will come from it.

Edited by Macha
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Some info in this mailing list post as well:


PS. I've been thinking that I should do an advanced presentation on cooking and dependencies in general after H12 releases. However, I'm not sure that anyone would care for it as I imagine it only being useful for (advanced) HDK users. However, I guess non-HDK users who want to really understand how the internals work would find it useful (at the cost of yawning through it all).

I too would like to know more about correct evaluation order. Considering how badly "feedback node" confuses me.

Who knows, beginners now will become advanced users may be after 10 years. :)

For sure your presentation will be remembered.


EDIT - Thanks Hop, Nice one.

Edited by vectorblur
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  • 6 months later...

Don't forget that Houdini has to resolve all dependencies for an operator on a first-come first-serve basis that is invariably determined by the node creation order. This means that the links in SOPs only represent data flow from one operator to the next but given the complexity of channel references, other nodes pulling geometry from any node anywhere in the network, the only way to really tell how the network is evaluating is to use the old H11 performance monitor or to use the new Performance Monitor set up to Event Log View and toggle the Enable Output toggle. This lists the exact order in which Houdini evaluated every node and will answer all your questions wrt dependencies that had to be resolved for the changes occurred that marked nodes "dirty" forcing dependencies to be resolved in the current cook.

You can RMB on any node and view the dependents via the View Dependencies... option and references at the current time/frame as well.

You can display external references/dependencies for the network by opening the display options for the network pane (D hotkey) and in the Dependency tab, enable the drawing of the various widgets to indicate dependencies.

Do users need to know this? Sure, if they are using Houdini daily to earn an income and have a desire to get even better.

Should users need to care about this. 99.9% of the time, no. Houdini takes care of this for you and with the aid of the Performance Monitor, you can find out where the slow-downs are and tweak the performance of your network.

On the very odd occasion and more in the older releases of Houdini, when a file would't evaluate properly, simply cutting and pasting a node that was first in line to be last in line in order of creation (determined by the Performance Monitor) has worked around many an evaluation dependency cook error/bug.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi.. 3 years later and I've come across a similar question.


Good examples and effective solutions, but perhaps,


chs("../node/stringparm#") BECOMES




This will allow stamping of string parameters using the copy SOP, with one variable in the copy SOP called "copy" with a value of "$CY+1" (or whichever variance you wish to stamp by)

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