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wren output to postscript


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Hi, all.

I tried to open a postscript file which is rendered with wren ROP.

And it doesn't show up anything in Adobe illustrator (windows). :(

I used "wren -l 1.5 -m 1 -p -P" option.

It shows right on "md" and I think the ps file contains right amount of script data when I read it with my text viewer.

Any tip for wren usage ? Or ps-to-eps conversion?

Thanks in advance. :D

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okay. the solution is,

1. nothing's wrong with wren_output_ps file.

2. problem is adobe illustrator doesn't understand level1 postscript.

3. so you have to convert the ps into eps.

4. you can do this with 'imageMagick (through ghostscript)'

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