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Is there a way to merge/reconstruct multiple NURBS surfaces into a sin

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I have looked at the help but couldn't find one. Basically I have 2 NURBS surfaces bridged using the Fillet SOP, which is now a continuous surface, but I want to perform another fillet between this whole surface with another surface.

So I want to reconstruct/reparameterize this surface into a single NURBS Surface.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks :)

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Thanks oldschool I found that to work in place of the Fillet SOP. Although I was wondering if there is a way to reparameterize a bunch of surfaces that are already connected to be a single surface.

For instance in Max, you can Bridge/Blend 2 surfaces and they will be 3 surfaces total. After that you can use Join to join 2 surfaces to concatenate the CV lattices of the two original surfaces.

I am not sure what it's actually called in NURBS terminology but Max's Join has 2 modes, Join (same as Houdini's Join SOP) and ZIP (the above method):


More info here:


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