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H12 Cloth: how to approximate Ncloth "Pressure" parameter

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Today I saw an interesting (and really simple) Ncloth example where a ballon was pumped up with pressure to a point where it exploded.

The exploding part is easily done in Houdini through tearing and the tear threshold parameter.

What about the pressure, though? I don´t see anything similar in the new cloth model. I´m not sure what the ncloth solver is doing either (I´m pretty sure it is some kind of internal force, not real air pressure).

Any ideas?

EDIT: I just found this on a web site Pressure: specifies a force applied along the surface normal direction of the current nCloth object when the Pressure Method is set to Manual. (Pressure and Pressure Damping the only attribute available when Pressure Setting is set to Manual Pressure Setting) Note that pressure can also have a negative value for simulate an imploding object.

Which makes me believe this should be quite doable...I will give it a try next week (this weekend I´m away from computers...yes, it is possible...sometimes)

Edited by Netvudu
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  • 3 weeks later...

Today I saw an interesting (and really simple) Ncloth example where a ballon was pumped up with pressure to a point where it exploded.

following jim's cloth thread i came across another example of cloth 'pressure'. not sure if this small sample can help...

marvelous designer - CLO Heart demo

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