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Is this a new feature in H12?

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I don't know how to word this but when I have a point cloud with show points toggle on, I see some of those points white. When I rotate the view, different points are colored as white, so they look like they are moving.

Is this a glitch or a feature? :)


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It's definitely a bug, because it doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen to me on my work PC! :(

It's especially noticeable with point numbers. It's really irritating, and pretty much the main reason I've switched my viewport to H11.

Edited by Darric
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It's not a feature. Apparently point sprites are not offset by the polygon offset factor, so the point depth test is periodically failing as Z precision changes. The points can be generated via a geometry shader producing a quad instead, and this will fix the issue.

Please report issues with the GL renderers that you consider showstopping to SESI. The H11 renderer will not be around indefinitely, and these need to be ironed out prior to that.

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At one point, we had H11 listed as "H11 (deprecated)" in the preference menu. That spooked some people, so we removed it. It was meant to inform people that it has been effectively retired, but some took it to mean that its removal was imminent. We generally give studios time to migrate to the new system before giving the old one the axe.

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Thanks Mark. Should we also report visual inconsistencies between H11 and H12? I remember seeing different template coloring if I recall correctly. Like the new one was using very light colors.

Also the style of the point numbers displayed on the viewport is also different.

I am not sure if the goal is to preserve the same look but improve performance, etc, or also renovate the look and feel.

Personally I am grateful for some of the changes like colored wireframe. I believe this only happens in H12 viewport. But some differences for no benefit worries me :)

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There are some look changes, especially with geometry decorations. Many of those were cut off by the surface, overwrote one another in an illegible mess, and worst of all, were displayed even for non-visible surfaces, resulting in a severe performance hit. The GL3 viewport generates the decorations on the GPU at render time, instead of having the CPU setup all of them at once (and slowly at that). Because of this, there are some distinct and unavoidable differences in their look.

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Thanks Mark, fair enough. You only do what's best. I noticed the legibility of the point/prim numbers were a little degraded in the new viewport. Is this by design or one of the unavoidable difference?

Other than this everything seems to be better if I am not forgetting anything :)

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Hrm, I'm actually still get some minor flickering (much more incidental) on semi-connected geometry (in my test case, a default box copied to a default 10x10 grid). It's no where near as problematic as before, but it's still pretty distracting.

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The point itself has to be visible in order for the point number tag to be drawn. It does a small area search around the point (like a + pattern) to see if the point is occluded. This is pretty much the only way that the entire number can be drawn without being partially occluded by the geometry, and yet still be hidden when behind the geometry. Otherwise, you get the H11 problem of the text disappearing into the interior of the geometry, cutting it off.

Also, you need a GL4 card in order to get this fix (or one with GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding supported, which I believe are only GL4-capable cards). I'm still puzzling a way that GL3 cards might work with this.

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