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L-systems again


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Hi. I'm trying to create a lightning using L-system. However, the lightning presets are too fast, so I'm trying to find a way to slow them down. My question is - is there a way to set an if - else logic in L-systems? Or, to put it another way, if I say Premise FA, Rule1 A:t%10 = ~(45)FA. - what rules does the l-system use when this expression is false? Thanks a lot.

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If there is no rule, where the expression evaluates to true, Houdini doesn't replace the considered symbol. This means, that the growth will stop.

If you want the shape of the lightning change slower, you can change the expression in the random-seed parameter (Geometry-tab) from $F to $F/10 for example. Since this is an integer-parameter this value won't change for 10 frames and the shape of the lightning will stay just as long.

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