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Light Emission in PBR VEX Shader


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I've been trying my hand at writing VEX shaders by hand, and I can't get emission to work in my shader. I've read in a couple of threads here on odForce to put a value in Ce, but I'm getting an undefined variable error, saying Ce doesn't exist. Is it not a global variable, like F or Cf?

#pragma opname test_1
#pragma oplabel "crydalch bsdf tests"
#pragma opmininputs 0
#pragma opmaxinputs 0
#pragma label   diff    "Diffuse Color"
#pragma hint    diff    color
#pragma label   diff2   "Other Diffuse"
#pragma hint    diff2   color

#include <voptype.h>
#include <voplib.h>

#include <voptype.h>
#include <voplib.h>

test_1( vector diff = { 1, 1, 1 }, diff2 = { 1, 0, 0 };
        float bi = 0.5, rgh = 1, atte = 1;
        int tur = 1)
    bsdf f;
    bsdf f1;
    bsdf tmp;
    bsdf illum;
    float noiseAmnt;
    vector transformedP;

    // You need to transform P into object space, to pick up transformations
    transformedP = ptransform("space:object", P);

    noiseAmnt = snoise(transformedP,tur,rgh,atte);

    f = 1 * lerp(diff,diff2,noiseAmnt) * bsdf(diffuse(N));
    //f = 0.5 * diff * bsdf(diffuse(N));
    f1 = 0.05 * bsdf(specular(N));
    illum = emission_bsdf(f * 2);

    tmp = f + f1;

    Cf = diff;
    Ce = illum;
    F = tmp;

Obviously, I'm not understanding how emission works in the shader, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Edited by goldleaf
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test_1( vector diff = { 1, 1, 1 }, diff2 = { 1, 0, 0 };
        float bi = 0.5, rgh = 1, atte = 1;
        int tur = 1; export vector Ce={0,0,0})

Hey goldleaf,

you just need to declare it as an export variable.



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