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Problem With Scatter Node !

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I created a path and use a custom node to growth a surface along path in every frame.

I scattered some points on the surface but I want do something to fix position of the scattered point's on the surface !

I turn off "Scatter Based On Primitive Area" on the scatter Node .

but only when I set "Point per Area" to 1.0 the point's has fixed position and if I set this parameter to less than 1.0 the points has random position in every frame.

How I can fix this problem ?

you can download my scene file.



Edited by Joker386
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I'm very new to Houdini and may be wrong, but:

You need to set int values as Points per Area cause fractional part is kind of probability - 1.5 means 100% to spawn 1 point and 50% to spawn 2nd point per area. So you may see 1 points at frame 1, 2 points at frame 2..

But whaen you're using int numbers you spawn the same number of points every frame and while you don't change seed number it seems your points stick to underlying surface (actually they are not).

Edited by bloomendale
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One possible solution:

append a timeshift sop after scatter, set it to the last frame of your frame range, and then add a ray sop, time shift out > ray left input, and facet output>ray's right input.(select reverse rays in ray sop and create point group, rayHitGroup) and then add a delete sop, and delete everything except rayHitGroup!

there might be better solutions for this one, but since you have a changing topology, I don't know anyway that works perfectly.

Edited by ehsan parizi
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How I can fix this problem ?

hi ,

how about creating all the scattered points referring to the last frame of scene ..

and then delete those 'inverse-progressively'™ according / using somehow the growth ?

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