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fluid dynamic


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basically Arctor, i am trying to create objects which born from water and also natural phenomena which involve water or any kind of fluids.I tought fluid dynamics use could help in my research...shoul I write a script?

what do you think?

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as Jason said, Houdini has no CFD solver, yet, so you'll have to use something else - real flow etc

you could try playing around with metaballs and see if they will do, or you could try something with sprites (see the waterfall OTL).

without CFD, everything else is a hack - so it will really depend on what _exactly_ you want to do

if you can describe what you want, as detailed as you can, then I'm sure someone will be able to help you get started

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Ok, what i am trying to do is a scene with CG and live action rain and as it rains, the rain drops gather and start to create a head, then eyes, then nose and so forth...

I am doing some experiment and so far what I acheived it is ok...but I think I am not using the right tools or maybe not in right way. I am working with metaballs and by animating the size of a metaballs from 0 to what ever you can create a quite nice effect of a "forming head", bu the metaball starts growing from the centre of the face and develops simmetrically. The effects I am trying to achieve is a metaball growing from the top to the base, from the water rain.

I guess I could use particles,but HOW????

does it make sense? :D

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Hey Melany,

That could really be achieved many different ways. If you wanted to use metaballs, animate your particles so that they stick to the head, then start growing. If they slide down the face, they can leave trails of themselves behind to keep those sections exposed.

If you have good uv's, you can also generate maps based on where the particles hit, then grow those areas in comp, before applying it back to the head.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest xionmark

Hi Melany,

It sounds like you really don't need true CFD to accomplish the task you have in mind, in fact it would probably be a lot simpler and efficient to "cheat" with Houdini's particles alone. In fact you could likely do all this without POPs, using the Particle/Metaball SOPs and various expressions, maybe a few shader tricks.

Good luck!


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