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import ascii file

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first, sorry for my english,

i have a problem and don’t find a solution..

i created tracker on pfmatchit and want export this tracker into houdini with all motion..

but i seem that it’s not possible to export 1 tracker with his motion..

I seen that it’s possible to export motion from my tracker in « ascii » format. and pfmatchit generate a .txt file.

Now, i want know if it’s possible to import this format into houdini and read frame per frame the motion of my tracker?

or past this list and create a script (simple) where my value from line 1 = frame1, line 2 = frame 2, line 3 = frame3 …

i can separate easily value X and Y with a python script out of houdini, but for this moment, i don’t know write python into houdini..

anyone have an idea?

For this moment, i don’t know use python.. i have a little experience..

But if anyone can put me on good way, it would be great..

Thank you very much..

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just change extension of that file to .chan and read it in by File CHOP

if it is just lines of values it should work, you should get as many channels as there is columns in your ascii file

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thank you very much..

Ok, but i have a problem..

For moment, it don’t work..

perhaps my ascci file is not good..

do you know what exactly i must have in my ascii file?

it is a little part of my ascii file:

Can you say me if it’s right?

Then, i create a motion fx from my tx, ty, tz, import my ascii file into « file node »..

but it don’t work…

Have you an idea?

Sorry for this question..

Thank you very much.

Best regards.


# "Name"

# clipNumber

# frameCount

# frame, xpos, ypos, similarity




1 542.647705 792.465881 1.000000

2 542.772705 792.590881 0.991419

3 543.585205 792.778381 0.987794

4 544.272705 792.809631 0.987599

5 544.303955 792.809631 0.987408

6 544.147705 792.809631 0.989760

7 543.678955 792.778381 0.990813

8 542.928955 792.903381 0.982699

9 542.866455 792.934631 0.994316

10 542.647705 793.090881 0.991124

11 541.147705 793.278381 0.982985

12 540.210205 793.465881 0.985494

13 538.241455 793.872131 0.977827

14 536.397705 794.372131 0.979822


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this seems like 2d tracker, so you cannot get tx ty tz from it just tx ty

what you can do is strip this file of everything except for raw values of your tracker

so you will leave just

1 542.647705 792.465881 1.000000

2 542.772705 792.590881 0.991419

3 543.585205 792.778381 0.987794

4 544.272705 792.809631 0.987599

5 544.303955 792.809631 0.987408

6 544.147705 792.809631 0.989760

7 543.678955 792.778381 0.990813

8 542.928955 792.903381 0.982699

9 542.866455 792.934631 0.994316

10 542.647705 793.090881 0.991124

11 541.147705 793.278381 0.982985

12 540.210205 793.465881 0.985494

13 538.241455 793.872131 0.977827

14 536.397705 794.372131 0.979822




first column is just frame

second is tx (probably in screen space)

third ty

forth they call similarity, that can be some kind of error per frame

so you will have 4 channels in chops, and you are interested in middle 2

but if you have another tracker after that, then I am afraid you need to split them to more files if you don't want to get to python

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hi, thank you..

also, if i use ascii file like this, houdini don’t read the file.. only a linear motion..

but if i take only x motion in my file, houdini read the .chan very well…

thank you very much for your help..

I tell you when it will work.

See you

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