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re-entering paint mode in otl


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I have an otl, which has a paint node inside it and part of otl depends on painting an attribute on some geometry.

I was wondering if anyone might know how I can re-enter paint mode from the top level of the otl by for example pressing a button on the top level UI.

I thought that by selecting the paint node it would get into paint mode and so tried making a button that ran some python code to select the paint node from within the otl.

This seems pretty buggy/inconsistant however, and also the parameter window switches to the paint node's parameters instead of the top level otl UI which is a bit of a pain.

Any thoughts?

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I can't remember exactly what I used to do, but it was something like using hou.Node.setCurrent() on the paint node, then using hou.SceneViewer.enterCurrentNodeState() on the scene viewer.

The parameter pane would change which was annoying, I just got into the habit of pinning the parm panes before pressing the button :/

You can get the scene viewer with:

>>> import toolutils

>>> toolutils.sceneViewer()

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