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how would I find position by it's UV coordinates?


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Hmmm. You can get point position from primitives like this:

Peak points slightly off surface (to give it some room), then in VOPs, use "intersect" on the inverse normal to get the primitive it hits and the uv position of the primitive, then using the "primitive attribute" you can get the world position of the point using the prim number and it's uvs.

On a pure point basis I'm not entirely sure off the top of my head.

Hope that helps a bit though


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You need more information. U and V alone is not sufficient. The best you can hope for is to narrow the space your point is in.

But UV's don't come alone and are usually generated by some procedure, so therein lies your solution but it depends on the specifics of your geometry.

Edited by Macha
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Yeah it depends on what kind of uv's you are talking about, every polygon or nurbs surface has implicit uv's and like Christian said you can find position anywhere on the polygon with those coordinates and the primitive number. I'm guessing this is not what you're asking though, if you are wondering if you can use tesxture uv's, the ones that are stored as point or vertex attributes, then i think the answer is no. Consider that multiple points can have the same uv coordinate.

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