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The future of xTools

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xTools 2.0 release is most popular release so far. With over 120+ members using the library, and 500 people visiting the website in just 3 days. It raises some important questions. What to do for release 3.0? How can xTools become better?

For me, this project has been a purely voluntary investment of my time, and now that it's become a more stable release it's time to think about it's future.

The project began as an experiment with using subscription as a support method for an open source project, but after doing this for a few months it's become clear that the Houdini community is simply to small. So I will not continue subscriptions anymore.

xTools will continue to be free, but I don't know what to do with this project over the next year.

So I'm looking for feedback, ideas and a general discussion about the state of open source in the Houdini community. With the launch of the orbolt store, and a move to selling assets. Does the community even have room for an open source project?

While sharing xTools on the orbolt store would increase exposure, it also means a large amount of my time to change them, recompile and re-arrange them to meet orbolt's strict guidelines for assets (and no, I'm not talking about policy guidelines, I'm talking about name spaces and dependencies). As an open source project it's just not worth my time to get them into the store.

So moving forward. What should the future of xTools be?

Edited by hopbin9
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hi ,

first of all thanks ! , for your time and good will to share your tools with other houdini users .

as a second note i suggest you open a thread dedicated to your set of tools here ( maybe version related ) .

maybe you can get a lot more feedback , ideas , etc. about xTools here .

also i can not download since the web is saying ; "You must be logged in to download this file."

in all fairness , FB and similar account-dependent issues have stopped me to download your tool-set .

id gladly give my opinion about those as soon as i can find some free time .


im not sure i understand the terms "subscription" & "open source project" in xTools context . can you expand more ? pardon .. =)

maybe i can find some time also to use this thread to ( again&again ) share my POV about involving hou's community in projects where we all benefit , .. even Hou_Makers .


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Thanks for the reply, and thanks for stepping forward to offer your thoughts.

To download xTools visit the website, and click the "Register" button in the upper right hand. Which will take you here http://xtools.ws/register-signup/

Click on the "Sign up" button for the first subscription option. This option is completely free. Fill out the form and click "Register My Account" to sign in. Once you have sign in you will be able to download the files.

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