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insufficiënt memory starting up scene 391 kb's


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Hey everyone,

I cannot open my scene anymore. Currently using some big alembic files ( but i could open the scene in the past with those in it ). Created some animations with fracture RBD Fractured object and used cache sop here and there to speed things up.

Right now the scene file is 391 kb's however i get a houdini memory allocation error.

The process quickly goes to around 3,5 gigs and then gives the fatal error.

I cannot "escape" my way out of this one as then it gives a fatal error too.

Help is appreciated :o

PS: i cannot post the scene as it is not mine to give away.

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even when deleting all traces of rbd it still has the problem, so now i allocate my alembic and then reimport/rebuild them when the scene is open.

I think it has to do with using alembic scenes and using a cache sop and maybe with the foreach function that lies in between of the alembic sop and the cache sop.

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oh man...yeah - NEVER save anything on a frame other than your start frame :)

Good point :)

You know what I still miss, watching all kinds of tutorials and learning stuff in real lectures. Some sort of best practices sheet with in there all kinds of tips that when you hold on to those, you make things easier for yourself and others to work with your files.

this is such a point ;) right now these things are scattered over lectures, tutorials and forums. maybe opening a wiki or rather a github page.

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