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Controlling explosion direction and brightness


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icon_minipost.gifPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:20 pm Post subject: Controlling explosion direction and brightness icon_quote.gif icon_edit.gif icon_delete.gif

I'm experimenting with the Pyro FX explosion tool in order to achieve an explosion that expands rapidly towards the camera on the Z axis.

I've tried using the wind field as well as buoyancy direction both in Z to try and control the direct the fire is expanding, but I'm sure there must be an easier way to do this? I want the fire to swirl and roll and generally be more streaky than what I have at the moment, which is one big blob. Something like the last clip of this video:


I understand that uses the Billowy Smoke shelf tool, but I'm looking for a way of doing that kind of roll except with fire.

Lastly, I'm having a problem where the temperature gets too hot to the point where the fire is just one huge white blob with no noise or breakup, I've tried lowering the temperature output and the gas released, but it doesn't really help.

If anyone could have a look and point me in the right direction, that'd be great. icon_smile.gif


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Personally I would try a slightly different approach and use a particle system as the base of your volume source. That way you can create the underlying, billowy movement which the smoke will inherit and you'll have more control over the shape and behaviour of the sim.

A good place to start is the Flamethrower asset on Orbolt. You can download that and have a poke around inside the network to see how it uses particles and pyro to create a similar effect to your example.



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welcome ,

there are many things to control the direction. you can use custom velosity field from sop if the direction its a little bit complicated.

but the simple direction on x or y or z,

1-you can use the buoyancy direction in pyrosolver... simulation part or

2- put a gas wind node in the 4 imput of pyrosolver or

3- if you look at the file in geo1/create_fuel_volume in velocity Volumes ... you have AddVelocity ... you can also put your direction there.


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